
Since Nadoury & Nahas has an office in the city of Alexandria and since Alexandria is an important port located at the Mediterranean Sea, the firm did establish a strong practice in the Maritime Law and other related fields like Shipping Disputes.

Commercial Transactions

Nadoury & Nahas holds the full the cycle of your next business opportunity with a basket of brands that will cover all your dreams of having a fast running fruitful business. We start from selecting the brand with the client and agree on the initials steps then drafting the initial agreements to final agreement.
All the necessary approvals will be handled by our office, staffing and preparations are made with the help of our team.

Oil and Gas

Nadoury & Nahas International energy team has deep experience in several types of Agreements like concession Agreements, Production sharing Agreements, SPA Agreements, EPC Agreements. In addition to advising large scale Oil and Gas Projects in relating dispute
resolution and financing as well.

Banking and Capital Markets

Nadoury and Nahas Law firm with impressive practice and client lists. Our firm attracts gogetters who will succeed in the firm’s free-market system and mesh with the professional, amiable culture. capital markets group may provide investment management services, lending
services, equity sales and trading, rescarch, consulting services, or any number of other types of financial services. The firm’s flex-time program, with prorated hours and compensation, is
attractive to many

Health Care and Leisure

Nadoury and Nahas boasts a fully integrated consulting and legal professional services model
that includes attorneys, consultants, technologists, and other professionals who bring legal.
strategy, analytics, and execution into one place for the firm’s clients in the health care, digital & technology, entertainment & media, energy & environmental, financial services, and real estate industries. In addition to its diverse practices and consulting experience


Nadoury & Nahas does provide sophisticated legal counsel on all matters of Taxation. Also Nadoury & Nahas did draft a legal analysis for the new Taxation Law in Egypt as a member of the Taxation Committee of the Egyptian Businessmen Association, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of the new law to enable our clients to find out the best way to invest in Egypt and deal with the Taxation Authority. Nadoury & Nahas assists with personal income tax, inheritance, estate and gift taxes.
We serve different sectors and industries by a highly skilled team of lawyers, business professionals and exccutives officers.


Nadoury & Nahas provides its clients with comprehensive global legal immigration services, as one of the leading business immigration firms. We serve our clients single solution for all global visa and immigration matters. Our strategic affiliation allows us to provide a global presence to
our clients. Nadoury & Nahas has strong alliance partnership with attorneys and immigration
professionals worldwide to serve the global mobility needs for our clients.

Translation Service

Nadoury & Nahas in Cairo and Alexandria have a translation section equipped with the best translators. We provide comprehensive documentary translation services from English and/or French languages to Arabic and vice versa. Moreover, Nadoury & Nahas is registered as an authorized Translation Office at the following
Embassies in Cairo and Alexandria: United States Embassy, United Kingdom Embassy, Canadian Embassy and the Embassy of Australia.


Nourhan Yousri
Pakinam Hisham
Esraa Bayoumi
Alaa Hussein

Technology and Telecommunication

One of the most dynamic aspects of today’s legal practice; we take pride in the number,
complexity and quality of deals we have achieved for our clients in this respect, Nadoury and
Nahas successfully represented and advised a large number of companies on these aspects.

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