• Over 40

    Years of Experience

    Since 1978, Nadoury & Nahas has been serving the legal market in Egypt with two offices one in Alexandria and the other branch is in Cairo.

  • Qualified

    Legal Attorneys

    The attorneys of Nadoury & Nahas handle litigation and commercial matters for a diverse clientele that includes national and multinational corporations, partnerships, joint ventures & individuals.

We are Experienced

Analyzing The Case

Precision data analysis guides strategic legal decisions, enhancing case strength and client advantage with insightful intelligence.

Taking Steps Forward

Proactive legal maneuvers navigate complexities, ensuring clients progress confidently towards resolution with strategic precision.

Court Of Law Success

Crafted litigation mastery delivers triumph, making our courtroom expertise the key to your legal victory.

Our Mission

"Pave the road for our clients to puruse their business goals and needs in a legal path with
a guarantee of well-organized processes and effectively articulate our clients' options and the risks
involved in any ventures".

Our Vision

 "To become the reference when it comes to a trusted and reliable law firm"

Contact Us

Make an Appointment

We Look Forward To Working with you , our Experienced Team will Reach you As soon as Possible.

    Trust & Happy

    • 1825

      Completed Works

    • 532

      Satisfied Clients

    • 69

      Winning Awards

    • 40

      Years of Experience