List of Clients of Nadoury & Nahas Law Offices:

UPS Atlanta – USA

North Africa Company, Abey.

Soros Fund Management LLC – New York – USA

American Chamber of Commerce

Governorate of Alex, Cairo and Qualubiea.

Tropicana Hotels Group

Institute for Public – Private Partnership, Inc., USA .

Beatrice, Chicago , USA .

Abt Associates Inc., USA .

Gloria Vanderbilt Inc., USA .

Alu Glass , Egypt .

Orit Holdings, USA .

Misr Canada Co. for Production and Blending Mineral Oils S.A.E., Egypt .

Laboratoire Richelet, Paris , France .

Allfirst Bank, Baltimore , MD.

Proletary Ukraine Factory

International Company for Office Equipment, Egypt .

Some Transactions in which Nadoury & Nahas were involved in the last two years as follows:

List of Clients of Nadoury & Nahas Translation Department: