Nadoury & Nahas - an Arab Legal Network

Nadoury & Nahas did form an Arab Legal Network, which covers seven countries, in addition to Egypt: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain and Jordan. Through the members of this legal network, we get referrals either to Egypt or to Europe and USA. We can also serve our clients through the offices of the members of the Arab Legal Network.

Nadoury & Nahas - LEX Africa

Nadoury & Nahas Law Offices are also members of LEX Africa which is a legal network covering 21 countries in Africa, The head quarter of LEX Africa is in South Africa (

Nadoury & Nahas - International Association of Practicing Lawyers (IAPL)

We are also a member in International Association of Practicing Lawyers (IAPL) which is based in Switzerland. Its members are 25 law firms. (

Nadoury & Nahas - Gulf Cooperation Council Nations and MENA

Nadoury & Nahas Law Offices cooperate with several law firms through the Gulf Cooperation Council Nations and MENA